上週末看了金凱瑞的""yes man"",突然想起,花貓就是看了這部片之後,開始對所有的事情不說NO的,慢慢的敞開排斥所有事情的態度




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上週末看了金凱瑞的""yes man"",突然想起,花貓就是看了這部片之後,開始對所有的事情不說NO的,慢慢的敞開排斥所有事情的態度

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  • Mar 10 Wed 2010 23:54
  • why??

i don't understand why i should listen all this shit, which not my business!!

she has her own life, and i can not do anything to change it.

don't count me in, for everything she did!

愛花貓 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Mar 09 Tue 2010 00:15
  • 時間

有時候面對花貓不擅長,或者做不好的事情時,花貓最常說的一句話就是  ""我需要時間去..."" 

愛花貓 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Eating right on a budget can be a challenge, but it's certainly not impossible. Consider this your cheat sheet to the 5 inexpensive foods you should eat everyday for optimum health.

#1 Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.

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i don't know why i said ""yes""

i will sing a song at 3/27

愛花貓 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

dear baby

i am so happy be your honey,

althought you have some trouble now,

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某天轉電影台看到 ""27件禮服的秘密""~因為沒有從頭開始看,或許無法正確表達這部電影所要傳達的訊息,

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  • Mar 01 Mon 2010 22:35
  • 滿滿

愛花貓 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

About 13 years ago, i saw my classmate' boyfriend with a girl, near the boy's dormitory.

on the way to class, i was considering should i  tell my classmate what i saw or not?

i was afraid, if the affair was not what i saw....mmm...

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